Research interests : Theory of Literature and Art; Western Literature ; Late Qing History
Selected Publications:
《神圣与世俗——唯美主义的价值意向》(The Sacred and The Secular----The Value Intentions of Aestheticism)
《官报与清末新政研究》(A Research on Gazette and late Qing Reforms)
《图像与时间》(Image and Time)
《艺术与科技的变奏:从机器美学到生物艺术》(Variations on Art and Technology: From Machine Aesthetics to Bio Art)
《世袭特权与国家治理:宣统朝摄政王载沣的权力观偏差及其成因》(Hereditary Privileges and the Statecraft: An Investigation of Zaifeng’s Concept of Power)
《从“官讯”到“时政信息”:晚清官报内容之变及其含义》(Official Information and Current Affairs: Changes Taking Place in Imperial Gazettes of Late Qing)