Luo Xiaoying, graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University in 2008 with a Ph.D in Philosophy, serves at Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science of Chongqing University, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, Member of the Classical Branch of Chinese Comparative Literature Association, member of the Chongqing Philosophical Society, and senior visiting scholar of the Greek Onassis Foundation.
Research Fields:
Western Classics, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy and Literature, Epicurus, Plutarch, etc
Research Projects:
2019, National Social Science Fund: "Translation, Annotation and Research of Epicurus' Works".
2009, National Social Science Fund: "Research on Epicurus and Atheism in Greece and Rome". completed.
2017, Chongqing Social Science Planning Project: “Conflict and Integration of Philosophy and Law - Centered on Plato's Crito”, completed.
2014, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: “Philosopher Justice and City-state Law - Translation, Annotation and Research of Plato's Crito” , completed.
Published Works:
1. Marx and Epicurus, East China Normal University Press, 2010
2. Epicurus, the Philosopher of the Garden (edited), Huaxia Publishing House, 2010
3. Socrates Dissatisfied: An Analysis of Plato's Crito (translated), East China Normal University Press, 2011
4. Kierkegaard and Socrates (co translated), Huaxia Publishing House, 2014
5. “Eros, Philosophy, and Marriage - A Comparison of Plutarch’s Eros and Plato’s”, in Thinking, Issue 2, 2014.
6. “Retired Gods - A Study of Several Fragments of Epicurus”, in Modern Philosophy, Issue 3, 2014.
7. “Socrates’ Two Dialectics”, in Classical Studies, Winter 2014.
8. “When a Philosopher Meets a Sophist - Selected Explanation of Xenophon's Memorabilia”, in Starting Again from Classics: Selected Papers on Classics, ed. Cheng Zhimin and Zhang Wentao, Huadong Normal University Press, 2015.
9. “‘Golden Way’ of Atheism: Aristotle’s Thought on Deity and Divine Matters in Ethics and Politics”, in Modern Philosophy, 2017, Issue 1.
10. “The Ethical Aim of Epicurus’ Natural Philosophy”, in Philosophical Research, Issue 3, 2023.
11. “The Temptation of Rtna: Nature and Belief in Empedocles’ Thoughts”, in Journal of Hainan University (Humanities and Social Sciences), Issue 3, 2023.
Current courses:
1. Ancient Greek Tragedy and History,
2. Plato's Republic,
3. Classic of Western Civilization