Birth Date: Oct 1984 Nationality: China Address: Rm 302, Unit 1, Building No. 3 of Zitan, Meizhiyuan Estate, 39 Leyuan Rd., Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 311201 E-mail: zybuddhism@163.com shanchengshuiyi@gmail.com |
History of Early Chinese Buddhism
Social and Cultural History of Early Medieval China
Historical Geography (Urban History)
2011~2014 Ph.D in History, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
2008~2010 M.Phil in Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST)
2003~2007 B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature, Sichuan University (SCU)
2015.07~present Associate Professor
Division of History Studies,
Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Science,
Chongqing University, China
2010.08~2011.01 Instructional Assistant
Division of Humanities, HKUST
Member of the Association for Early Medieval China Studies, China (since 2014)
Member of the Association for Asian Studies (since 2018)
Member of Early Medieval China Group (U.S.A) (since 2018)
M. Phil Supervisor (since 2020)
Silk Road and Eastward Spread of Buddhism (HG00052 UG/ General Course/ since 2015)
Ancient Chinese Capitals and Culture (BY40231 UG/ Compulsory Course / since 2016)
Ancient Chinese Urban History (S28121 PG/ Optional Course / since 2018)
Great Books of Civilizations A (HG00080 UG/ General Course/ since 2021)
ZHOU Yin. 佛教影響下的北魏平城、洛陽城市空間變遷研究 [A Study of the Spatial Change of Pingcheng and Luoyang Cities in the Northern Wei Dynasty under the Influence of Buddhism] , Beijing: China Social Science Press. (Forthcoming)
Book Chapters
ZHOU Yin. “Adaptation and Assimilation of Buddhism in China as reflected in Monastic Architecture”, in Mu-chou Poo, H.A. Drake, and Lisa Raphals eds., Old Society, New Belief: Religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th Centuries, Chapter 13, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 217-230.
ZHOU Yin. 佛教在中國的適應與轉化:以寺院建築為例 [ “Adaptation and Assimilation of Buddhism in China as reflected in Monastic Architecture” ], in H.A. Drake and POO Mu-chou ed., 舊社會與新信仰:1至6世紀中國與羅馬的宗教轉化 [Old Society, New Belief: Religious transformation of China and Rome, ca. 1st-6th Centuries], Chapter 11, Taipei: Linking Publishing Company, 2021, pp. 341-361.
Journal Articles
ZHOU Yin. 南朝“以佛化治國”傳統的繼承和推演 [“Succession and Evolution of the Tradition of ‘Ruling the Country with Buddhist Belief’ in the Southern Dynasties”], 世界宗教研究 [Studies in World Religions] 2022 (2). (Forthcoming)
ZHOU Yin. 文獻及造像所見北魏初年“佛教治化”政治傳統的確立 [“Establishment of the Political Tradition of ‘Ruling the Country with Buddhist Belief’ in the Early Northern Wei as Seen in Historical Documents and Statues: Focused on the Period from Emperor Daowu to Emperor Wencheng (386-466 CE) ”], 中外論壇 [Sino-foreign Forum] 2022 (3), pp. 79-98.
ZHOU Yin. 拓跋鮮卑初期都城“定襄盛樂”與“雲中盛樂”考 [On Early Capital Cities of Tuoba Xianbei: “Dingxiang Shengle” and “Yunzhong Shengle”], 山西大同大學學報(社會科學版) [Journal of Shanxi Datong University], 2022(4), pp. 38-42.
ZHOU Yin. 城隨境遷:佛教影響下的北魏洛陽城市變遷 [“Urban Change in Luoyang in the Northern Wei Dynasty under the Influence of Buddhism (493-534 CE) ”], 南都學壇 [Academic Forum of Nandu] 2021 (6), pp. 16-28.
ZHOU Yin.北魏宣武帝時期的內道場及其對佛寺布局之影響 [“Inner Ashram during the Period of Emperor Xuanwu in the Northern Wei Dynasty and Its Influence on the Layout of Buddhist Temples”], 山西大同大學學報(社會科學版) [Journal of Shanxi Datong University], 2021(4), pp.51-55.
ZHOU Yin. 北魏洛陽城之“里”、“坊”、“鄉”空間再探 [ “A Review and Exploration on Lifang System & Xiangli System of Luoyang City, the Northern Wei Dynasty”], 歷史教學 [History Teaching] 2020 (6), pp. 18-25.
ZHOU Yin. 北魏武、明時期洛陽寺院布局與里坊規劃 [ “The Interaction between Monastic Layout and City Blocks Design of Luoyang during the Time of Emperors Xuanwu and Xiaoming, The Northern Wei Dynasty” ], 社會科學戰線 [Social Science Front] 2018 (10), pp. 143-155.
ZHOU Yin. 寺塔為證:佛教在中國的適應與轉化 [ “Adaptation and Assimilation of Buddhism in China as reflected in Monastic Architecture” ],讀書 [Dushu] 2019 (10), pp. 66-74.
ZHOU Yin. 北魏靈太后“轉輪王”與“佛”形象的建構 [ “The Cakravartin and Buddha Image of Empress Dowager Ling of Northern Wei” ], 南都學壇 [Academic Forum of Nandu] 2017 (6), pp. 21-30.
ZHOU Yin. 北魏洛京的建立與釋教信仰生活的新啟 [ “New Capital and New Beginning of the Buddhist Life in Northern Wei Dynasty” ], 樓勁 (Lou Jin) ed., 魏晉南北朝史的新探索:中國魏晉南北朝史學會第十一屆年會暨國際學術研討會論文集 [Proceedings of 11th Annual Conference of Wei-Jin, Southern and Northern Studies], Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2015, pp. 535-574.
ZHOU Yin. 北魏洛陽女性之佛教信仰世界管窺 [ “A Glimpse of Buddhist Women in Luoyang City During the Northern Wei Dynasty of Ancient China” ] , POO Mu-chou ed., 禮法與信仰:中國古代女性研究論考 [Rite and Belief: Research on Women in Ancient China], Hong Kong: The Commercial Press, 2013, pp. 173-199.
ZHOU Yin. “Buddhist Monastery Layouts and City Planning of Luoyang Capital in the Later Northern Wei Dynasty of Ancient China (500-528 CE)”, Journal of Urban History (AHCI/SSCI Q4) (Major Revision)
Knapp, Keith N. 六朝建康:新型高等教育的孵化地 [“Six Dynasties Jiankang: An Incubator of Innovative Higher Education”], ZHOU Yin trans., 南京曉莊學院學報 [Journal of Nanjing Xiaozhuang College] 2016 (1), pp. 13-18.
Annette Kieser. 從文物考古透視六朝社會 [An Archaeological Perspective on the Six Dynasties]. ZHOU Yin trans., Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2021.
Project Title:The Interaction between Buddhism and Urban Development of Pingcheng & Luoyang (The Northern Wei Dynasty) 北魏平城、洛陽的城市空間與佛教信仰關係研究
Grant No.:16CZJ010
Project Director: ZHOU Yin
Project Source: The National Social Science Fund of China (The Youth Project)
Starting and Ending Time: 2016. 06. 30~2021. 08. 30.
Project Title:Digital Project of “Traditions of Exemplary Women: Liu Xiang’s Lienü zhuan”
Project Director: Prof. Anne Behnke Kinney of University of Virginia
Project Source:
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH);
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation;
American Council of Learned Societies;
Luce Foundation;
University of Virginia Library;
Ming C. Lung, East Asia Librarian;
The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities;
Ellen Bayard Weedon Foundation and the Ellen Bayard Weedon East Asia Travel Grant
Starting and Ending Time: 2001 ~ 2011
Task Undertaken: Translating Chinese texts of Liu Xiang’s Lienü zhuan into English
2016. 04 Teacher's Qualification in Higher Education (Ancient Chinese History)
2015. 08 Qualification Certificate of Speciality and Technology (Assistant Professor in History)
2004. 11 Putonghua Proficiency (Mandarin) Test, Grade Two, Level A
2004. 09 National Computer Test (Band 2) Language: Visual Foxpro (VFP)
1. POO Mu-chou, Vice Chair; Research Professor
Address: Room 102, History Department, 1/F of Fung King Hey Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
E-mail: muchoupoo@cuhk.edu.hk
2. LU Zongli, Emeritus Professor of HKUST; Chair Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School;Honorary Professor of Nanjing University
E-mail: humapower@163.com
3. WANG Xinyang, Emeritus Professor of HKUST; First Grade Professor of Shandong University; Executive Associate Editor of 文史哲 Journal of Chinese Humanities (English edition)
E-mail: frankwsu@163.com