Dr. Wenjing Liang, Department of Chinese Language and Literature,
Boya Xiaoyuan, Chongqing University (Campus A)
No. 174 Shazhengjie, Shapingba
Chongqing, 400044, China
Cellphone: +86-15320473379
E-mail: Wenjingliang07@qq.com
Teaching and Research Specialties:
Folklore, Anthropology, Overseas Ethnography, Middletown Studies, American Studies, Philanthropy and Nonprofit Organizations
Education and Professional Experience:
September 2004-July 2007, Culture Management, School of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei Province. B.A.
September 2007-November 2013, Master-Doctor Combined Program, Institute of Sociology & Anthropology, Department of Sociology, Peking University. Ph.D.
January 2011-January 2012, visiting Student, University of Wisconsin Madison & Ball State University, studying Habitat for Humanity in Muncie as fieldwork for dissertation.
March 2014- , Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University.
Funded Research:
Chinese National Social Science Fund research project “A comparative study of the professionalization of Chinese and American private voluntary organizations”, 2015-2020
“Volunteering as Daily Life: The Case of Volunteers’ Involvement in Habitat for Humanity in Middletown, USA”, N. W. Journal of Ethnology, 2013(3): 200-209.
“Labor and Its meaning in the States: The case of Habitat for Humanity in Middletown, USA”, Journal of Beifang University of Nationalities, 2013(3): 116-121.
“Associational Cooperation Witness the Growth of Social Sector: Cases of Nujiang Anti-Dam Event and Narada Foundation”, Journal of Shihezi University, 2015(3): 51-58. (Second author)
“Moral Economy of Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Middletown Habitat for Humanity, U. S. A.”, Qinghai Journal of Ethnology, 2017(2): 28-32.
“American Spirit of Community as ‘Moral Imagination’: The Experience of Middletown Habitat for Humanity”, Social Sciences of Beijing, 2017(3): 95-101.
“Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Muncie, Indiana: A Case Study of the Lynds’ ‘Middletown, U.S.A.’”, The Chinese Journal of American Studies, 2020(2): 105-128. (First author)
“The Moral Economy of Non-profit Organizations and The Market Economy: The Case of Middletown Habitat for Humanity, U. S. A.”, in The World Society with Cultural Diversities: A Chinese Anthropological Perspective, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2020.